Helping tribal members achieve their dream of launching or growing a business is at the heart of our work at Lakota Funds. Over the years, we have supported the creation or expansion of over 1,300 Native-owned businesses, providing over $39 million in business loans to provide opportunity and strengthen our economic sovereignty. 

Whether you are an experienced professional or just beginning to explore a business idea, our team of loan officers and coaches can help you complete the next steps in your journey. From creating a business plan to completing a loan application, we’re here to provide you with the tools to succeed. 

We offer loans to all types of businesses, ranging from $500 to $2M. 

Business Loan Checklist

  • Copy of Tribal ID or Degree of Indian Blood

  • Copy of Drivers License or Other ID

  • Authorization To Release Information Form

  • Personal Financial Statements

  • 3 Year’s Tax Returns (Both Individual and Business)

  • Year End Financials (Balance Sheet and Profit &Loss)

  • Last Quarter Business Financials

  • Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable Aging

  • Profit & Loss Projections (2 Years)

  • 941’s for Previous 4 quarters

  • 3 Months Bank Statements (Individual and Business if applicable)

  • 3 Months Recent Pay Stubs

  • Certificate of Business Class (Not Required for all loans but an asset to the application)

  • Evidence of Business Insurance

  • Lease Agreements (Including amendments and modification)

  • Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws (if a corporation)

  • Articles of Organization and Operating Agreement (if Limited Liability Company)

  • Partnership Agreement (if business is a partnership)

If Applicable, please provide the following information:

  • Detailed list of machinery and equipment to purchase

  • Purchase and Sales Agreement

  • Real Property Collateral Information

  • Seller’s Business Financial Information (tax returns, balance sheet, profit & loss)

  • Construction Contracts

Construction & Contracting Loans

Native contractors build the homes, schools, hospitals, and other infrastructure projects that our community needs to thrive. Lakota Funds offers a range of loan products for contractors to build their businesses by taking on larger-scale projects, hiring workers, purchasing new equipment, and more.

Agriculture & Food Sovereignty Loans

Lakota Funds has supported Native farmers and ranchers with financing options for over a decade. As the first lender in the region to provide Farm Service Agency (FSA) guaranteed loans, our team works hard to provide agricultural entrepreneurs with the resources to launch and grow their businesses. 

Artist Loans

Native artists are not only carriers of traditional cultural knowledge–they are a vital part of our local economy. At Lakota Funds, emerging artists are able to access microloans to obtain materials and facilitate business start-up. Our team also provides Art Equity Grants of up to $2500 to support existing art-based businesses.

All Business Sector Loans

Lakota Funds continues to provide business financing in a range of new sectors, on the reservation and beyond. No matter what your business idea, our team can help you take steps toward achieving your vision.

Meet Our Team